Corn is a heat-loving culture, the taste of which is to the liking of many. Initially, it grew in the south, but the breeders worked tirelessly, thanks to which varieties were bred that can be grown in central Russia. If you follow all agrotechnical rules, you can grow a good harvest even in the suburbs.

Important!In places where sweet corn is grown, there should be a short daylight hours. Otherwise, the process of fruit formation and ripening is delayed.

Planting corn in open ground in the Moscow region

It should be noted right away that the cultivation of sweet corn through seedlings in the Moscow region is more common than the seed method. But most novice gardeners are interested in various agricultural techniques, including how and when to plant their favorite corn in open ground in the Moscow region.

Corn is a demanding plant. The gardener must carefully choose a planting site, as well as analyze the composition of the earth. It is advisable to start preparing the site in the fall, for this it will be necessary to add an impressive amount of rotted manure to the soil. The most suitable precursors for corn are cucumber, cabbage, squash.

Important! Corn crops can only be planted two weeks after the last frost.

The soil temperature must be at least 12 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, it is necessary to cover the bed with agrofibre, which will warm the soil, creating a greenhouse effect.

Planting corn in open ground in the Moscow region

The seeds are sown by making holes in the film or agrofiber for planting material. In the process of its development, culture will begin to grow through them. The seed is sown at a shallow depth (no more than 4 cm). The spacing between rows is about 30 cm. In one hole, you can place from 3 to 5 pieces of seeds.

Corn is pollinated by gusts of wind. Therefore, when planting sweet corn, there must be spatial isolation between the different species.

Growing corn in the Moscow region: the best varieties

Today, there are three types of sweet corn:

  • very sweet;
  • sweet;
  • normal.

On a note! Each variety contains a different concentration of sucrose, which affects the structure of the cabbage and their taste. In the Moscow region, it is recommended to grow corn from seedlings, but early varieties can provide a good harvest even when planting seeds.

Consider varieties suitable for growing in the Moscow region:

  • Spirit is a hybrid that is characterized by abundant fruiting. The culture is early maturing, provides large sweet heads of cabbage with large grains. It matures within two months after planting. The variety is recommended to be grown by seedlings, since, using direct planting of seeds, it will take much longer to wait for the harvest in the country. These plants cannot be classified as unpretentious, they are very willful and need careful care.
  • Triple joy - the cultivation of this variety is also not an easy task, it belongs to the number of super-sweet varieties, the harvest time is mid-summer. Triple Joy is often eaten fresh and canned. The culture is known for its peculiarity - the ability to cook popcorn, which kids love to feast on.

    Triple joy corn

  • Anava is a hybrid variety that bears its first fruits about three calendar months after planting and regular cultivation. The heads of cabbage are wrapped in thin leaves, grow large, very even and have an excellent presentation. Under optimal temperature conditions, the fruits can be stored for a long time.
  • Lakomka Belogoriya is perhaps the strongest of the varieties of hybrids. Possesses high rates of resistance to diseases and attacks of insects. The fruits of this variety begin to ripen after 70-80 days after planting. The crop can be harvested before it is fully ripe. Milk cobs have a delicate flavor and aroma. An important feature of the variety is that it cannot be planted by seedlings, the agronomist must sow seeds directly into the soil.

Agrotechnology for growing corn in the Moscow region

For cultivation of corn through seedlings, planting material is recommended to be placed in small containers. Use plastic cups or miniature pots as containers.

Important! Substrates can be special soils for seedlings with peat or soil mixed with humus. Seeds should be sown in the holes in a small group. After that, they are sprinkled with earth and poured abundantly with warm water. It is important not to forget to compact the soil a little.

As a rule, the first shoots are shown after a week after sowing. A growing crop needs abundant drinking and feeding, as a growing plant needs strength. In each recess, one should leave one shoot, the strongest one. All others are deleted. Thinning is done to obtain a better and more abundant harvest.

Pollination of culture

To obtain a rich harvest, it is necessary to carry out artificial pollination. It is recommended to carry out the procedure when there is no wind outside, so that the pollen falls on a specific target, and not past.

Flowering corn

Pollination is carried out according to the following algorithm: the panicles must be shaken in such a way that the pollen falls on the heads of cabbage. You can use a soft brush to touch the flowers one by one.

You can harvest in late August or early autumn. The crop is harvested by breaking the head out from under the foliage.

It is interesting! Very often, cucumbers are placed on a neighboring garden bed and spun along the stalks and branches of corn.

Diseases and pests

Corn, like other horticultural crops, is susceptible to diseases and pest attacks.

Susceptible to the following diseases:

  • meadow and American moth;
  • rhizome rot;
  • smut, rust;
  • mole.

For pest control, it is recommended to use drugs that can be purchased at the market or specialty store. Before purchasing, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition, it is important that the chemicals do not adversely affect the composition of the heads of cabbage and they are suitable for consumption.

The harvested crop should not be left in the sun, the ears should be collected and placed in a dark and cool place. Together with the heads of cabbage, you can freeze the wrapping leaves, thanks to this simple manipulation, it will be possible to preserve not only more useful properties, but also taste.