What you just can not read on the net. The level of obscurantism sometimes goes off scale. A special place is occupied by the advice of summer residents and gardeners with minimal knowledge of plant phytopathology or without them at all, but with vast experience in combating all diseases in their plots. The use of trichopolum against late blight of tomatoes is from this opera.

What is Trichopolum?

Trichopolum is a medicinal product based on metronidazole. In the annotation to the drug it is written in black in Russian: it is an antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drug. Let's decipher these complex terms.

Antiprotozoal drugs - drugs to combat parasitic protozoa microorganisms.

Antimicrobials are medicines to suppress germs.

Remember that nowhere in the description of this drug is its antifungal effect mentioned.

What is late blight?

Late blight or late blight of tomatoes is a disease of nightshades caused by the FUNGUS Phytophthorainfestans. The pathogens can be found in the soil, on last year's potato tubers, on already diseased plants. They are carried by the wind or by direct contact of diseased plants with healthy ones, through the hands and equipment of gardeners. Favorable conditions for damage - high (75 -90%) relative humidity and significant temperature fluctuations. In this climatic regime, moisture condenses on plant tissues. These microdroplets are the "cradle" of phytophthora. That is why late blight is rampant in cool and rainy weather and does not develop in hot, sunny times. Again, trichopolum does not kill fungal pathogens.

How can one actually be saved?

The principle - prevention is easier than cure, is quite justified for plant diseases. It is necessary to place tomatoes as far away from potatoes as possible on the garden plot. Thoroughly dispose of plant residues and damaged tubers after harvesting potatoes.

When it rains, especially if it gets colder after that, it is necessary to spray with one of the following drugs: Profit Gold, Ridomilgold, Hom, Polychom, Fitosporin, in the rates indicated on the package. A good effect is obtained by soil treatment with biological products: Alirin-B, Gamair, Trichodermin. Microorganisms of these drugs inhibit the development of the pathogen in the soil. We must clearly understand: it is impossible to save tomatoes from late blight with any grandmother's means.

No need for alchemy

Dear gardeners and gardeners. Those who disseminate information about the treatment of any plant diseases with all sorts of improvised means and those who read this information and take it on faith - be prudent. Yes, ash or potato peel infusion will not harm anyone. But who knows what can happen in a plant after being treated with a drug? Research is needed to confirm the action or inaction of a chemical on a plant. On another it is impossible. It is not safe for health.