Carrots are a very popular root vegetable among summer residents, along with radishes, potatoes and beets. It is juicy, crispy, rich in vitamins and minerals. For this everyone loves her.

Planting carrots has its own characteristics, which will be discussed in this article.

Soil preparation

Initially, it is necessary to properly prepare the beds. The soil must be free of stones, otherwise the roots will grow ugly and crooked. Carrots need slightly acidic or neutral soil, the area should be well lit. Rotted manure is a good fertilizer.

After the beds are prepared, you can start to seed. The main problem with carrot seeds is their small size. It creates problems when landing, a lot of time and effort is wasted. But there are several ways to make landings easier and more enjoyable.

Planting methods

The easiest way is to buy seeds in a ready-made shell. They will be about the size of peppercorns, and the shell will supply the seeds with nutrients for the first time.

You can make the shell yourself by welding a paste for this. To prepare the paste, 3 tablespoons of starch are diluted in a glass of warm water, and then poured into a pot of boiling water. The cooled paste is poured into a plastic bottle, then seeds are poured there, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of seeds per liter. The contents are thoroughly mixed and evenly poured into the already prepared beds. It remains only to sprinkle the seeds with earth.

You can also mix a couple of tablespoons of seeds with a bucket of sand and pour this mixture into the prepared beds. The sand should never be damp. Next, the beds need to be watered abundantly and slightly covered with soil on top. This planting method does not require further dilution.

With radishes and onions

Carrots are ideal for planting with radishes. For this, the seeds are mixed, a little sand is added and poured into the grooves. With such a neighborhood, the plants will protect each other from weeds. Radishes emerge and grow very quickly, and there is more free space for carrots in the garden. Thus, you will not have to plant additional carrots.

You can also plant carrots with onions. With this planting, weeding will take much less time, and onions and carrots will protect each other from pests.

Grandma's way

Another unusual way of planting carrots is grandma's. Seeds are poured into water, then this water is taken into the mouth and spit out onto the beds. Thus, the landing is more or less uniform. The method, of course, is not for everybody, but it is no less effective.

Belt sowing of seeds. In stores, you can buy ready-made seeds glued to ribbons, or build such a structure yourself. For this, a tape of toilet paper and paste are taken, on which seeds are planted.

Seeds can be germinated first and only then planted in the grooves. It is important with this method to water the garden immediately after planting and keep it moist for several more days. This method is good because the seedlings will appear much faster than with a regular planting.