Currently, there are more than 20 thousand species and more than 500 genera of bees. The most famous honey bee, which is bred to obtain many of the favorite honey, as well as other beekeeping products. This genus of bees lives in groups - families, in hives or in tree hollows. There is also a wild genus of bees, which are close to the usual honeybees, but still have their own distinctive characteristics. Their name is earth bees.

Earth bees: how to get rid of the yard

To fight effectively, it is worth "knowing the enemy by sight." Having studied the behavior and life characteristics of insects, it will become easier to remove them from your territory.

These insects, just like ordinary melliferous cousins, live in large families and produce honey, but they live in land with a lot of sand, for example, in a clearing or at the edge of a forest, and also, to the chagrin of summer residents, on private land plots. If you pay attention to their appearance, then they have a black abdomen, brown or purple wings, abundant fluff on the head. Legs and head have a reddish tint. The size of wild earth bees can reach 2 cm. These are rather large insects with a bright color.

Earth bees

This genus lives in tunnel burrows that can go deep into the ground. It usually occupies a vast territory, since their offspring do not leave their parents, but are placed next to them, near their burrows.

Note! Earth bees are great workers and wonderful pollinators. They pollinate crops quickly and efficiently, thereby benefiting the grower.

The tunnels of wild bees are dead-end, at the oval end of which stinging insects store nectar and lay larvae. The bees dig out a tunnel, at the end of which a special cell is created, which is formed in the form of a circle with the help of bee saliva. Then the cell is pressed down with a sticky substance released from the abdomen of the insect. Earth bees lay their eggs in this cell. The eggs are fed with the collected nectar.

There is more than one species of these wild insects, the most famous are Andrena Clarkella, leaf cutter, wool beetles, macropis.

Earth bees are quite peaceful creatures if they are not disturbed once again. In addition, depending on the season, they have a different degree of aggressiveness. Despite the fact that they do not show obvious aggression, they can bring a lot of trouble to the owners of summer cottages, country houses and private houses. For example, these wild insects, digging in large quantities of minks, leave behind a rather unsightly appearance. Insects can interfere with garden work, spoil the appearance of the garden, and gnaw on plant leaves. They love plants such as cumin, St. John's wort, oregano, sunflower, dill, onions, carrots, celery. They drink nectar from cucumbers. Many flowering plants are the object of close attention for earthen wild bees.

Note! An insect stinging can provoke a severe allergic reaction. It is known that bee venom injected under the human skin can cause anaphylactic shock in an allergic person.

What to do if stung? First of all, you need to get rid of the sting that is in the human body. To do this, you need to use tweezers or press your fingernail on the skin around the sting. Then the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.Next, you need to see a doctor, especially if the insect has stung in the eyes, lips, larynx or tongue.

Often the owners of garden plots have an urgent question: how to get rid of earth bees on the site? There are different ways to deal with these insects. The most reliable and effective method of getting rid of earth bees would be to contact services that specialize in the destruction of insects. Experts know how to get rid of earth enemies in the garden or plot forever. Disinfection services will correctly, quickly and reliably destroy any crawling, digging and flying insects, using certified chemicals.

But it is not always possible to contact insect control services or to familiar beekeepers, so the question of how to get rid of earth bees must be decided independently.

An insect sting can trigger a severe allergic reaction

There are the following ways to get rid of "unwanted guests":

  • pouring boiling water over the minks;
  • fumigation followed by the introduction of pesticides;
  • planting plants on the site that scare away stinging insects;
  • placing traps;
  • digging up the soil.

How to remove earth bees from the site: in detail about each method

Destroying unwanted guests on your site is not difficult using simple proven methods.

Boiling water

Note! To kill bees with boiling water, you must take at least 15 liters of water and pour insects directly into the tunnels.

If you are not sure whether there is enough boiling water, then it is better to play it safe and take more than 15 liters, otherwise the surviving bees may behave more aggressively and attack the next time.

Destruction by boiling water


A more effective method, but also more complicated than the previous one, is to fumigate the area followed by the introduction of chemicals. For this purpose, it is necessary to purchase a special agent - poison for exterminating insects and a device (smoker). It should be noted that any special preparations and devices must have appropriate certification. This will avoid unpredictable consequences.

For fumigation, mink tunnels are treated with smoke. Earth bees from this procedure become lethargic, sleepy, they will no longer behave aggressively. Next, you need to introduce poison, following the instructions for use.

The following preparations can be used to kill wild bees:

  • Get is a chlorpyrifos-based insecticide. Enough for processing an area of ​​100 sq. m.
  • Dichlorvos is a well-known agent that is suitable for the destruction of both crawling and flying insects.
  • Delta Zone is an effective insect control agent that is odorless and has a high rate of destruction.

Note! After the treatment has been carried out, the entrance to the tunnels is covered with sand to prevent the surviving insects from crawling out.

Fragrant plants

Among the plants that scare away the smell of earth bees, one can name the following: lavender, calendula, basil, lemon balm, wormwood. These plants must be planted in your area in order to get rid of earth bees in the country.


Note! A fairly simple method of dealing with "annoying neighbors" will be the placement of peculiar traps.

For this purpose, it is enough to take bottles, fill them with a small amount of sweet syrup and place them at the entrance to the burrows. Individuals who have flown in to feast on syrup will no longer be able to get out of the bottle.

Digging the earth


Burning out earth bees

In case the mink tunnels are not very deep, and you can reach their lowest point with a shovel, it is quite possible to use such a method as digging up the soil. If the tunnels are deep and cannot be reached, then this method will be ineffective.

Practical advice and tips for dealing with earth bees

For an independent fight with wild earth bees, you need to take care of the appropriate "outfit".If you do not take measures to protect against insects, then the risk of suffering from them increases significantly. Protection includes beekeeping net, heavy gloves, special trousers and a jacket. Clothing should be completely intact, without damage, and should also fit on a person in size so that no folds form.

It is better to start the application of control methods in the spring months, when the bees wake up from hibernation after winter, and in the evening.

Important! When planning the destruction of flying insects, care must be taken to ensure that there are no children and animals on the site during the "operation", otherwise the angry bees may sting them.

Tips to avoid the active spread of wild ground bees and their stings:

  • It is undesirable to carry out garden work in open clothing, for example, in summer, in shorts and a T-shirt. Closed clothing must be used.
  • It is advisable not to plant a large number of honey plants, as well as plants that these stinging insects especially love.

If the flying "neighbors" do not cause problems, then it is better not to bother them. Ground bees will not attack unless there are serious reasons for this, if they do not feel a threat to their existence and the integrity of the home.

Recommendation!If, nevertheless, the bees were disturbed and bit a person, it is necessary to take an antihistamine.

It is possible to rid private property of burrowing insects. It is important to follow instructions and follow safety precautions.