Tomatoes are the most popular vegetables in any garden. Summer residents strive to plant the most exotic variety of tomatoes in shape or color in order to diversify the general look of garden beds. Also, harvesting delicious multi-colored tomatoes, vegetable growers can introduce into their diet not only the red, orange and pink fruits of this vegetable crop, but also bright yellow ones.

Tomato Gigant Lemon is one of the brightest representatives of yellow-fruited varieties with large tomatoes, which are used not only fresh, but also for making tomato juice or mashed potatoes.

Lemon Giant

The history of the creation of the variety

This tomato was submitted for registration in the State Register of our country by breeders at the end of the last century. For a couple of years, this variety was tested, only then the variety was registered and zoned for growing in garden beds and in greenhouses in most regions of Russia.

On a note. This tomato was presented by the Scientific and Production Corporation "NK LTD", located in Shchelkovo, Moscow region.

Characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Lemon looks good in the garden, thanks to its large fruits, reminiscent of lemons in color.

 On a note. Ripe tomatoes have a pleasant taste, high decorativeness and commercial qualities. Therefore, those summer residents who once harvested these tomatoes in their beds plant Lemon tomato in the following seasons.

Characteristics and description of the Gigant Lemon tomato variety, which you need to know about before starting to grow it:

  • Tomato bushes are tall, erect shoots, in height they can reach 2.0 m and above; the ripening time of fruits is average;
  • You can plant seeds in open ground, as well as in greenhouse conditions or greenhouses. In the beds, the fruits of the Giant Lemon may be smaller than when grown in closed ground, but the yield is higher;
  • This variety belongs to the indeterminate type. The shoots are slightly leafy, the foliage is typically tomato, dark emerald in color. In greenhouse conditions, the bushes grow up to 2.4-2.6 m in height (in open ground this variety is much lower!). Therefore, summer residents should form plants in several stems, be sure to tie them up so that the stems do not break off under the weight of ripening fruits. For plants to form correctly, stepchildren must be constantly removed. It is necessary to carry out these procedures not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground, otherwise the yield of this variety may sharply decrease;
  • Flowers are formed after 2-3 leaves, usually collected in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces;
  • The name of the variety reflects the main properties of the fruits - they are large, consist of many chambers, the surface is ribbed. With proper cultivation and care, the weight of one fruit is 0.7-0.9 kg. As a rule, the first ripening tomatoes are large, the mass of the rest is somewhat less. The color of ripe fruits is bright lemon, saturated. The skin is dense, smooth, shiny, therefore the fruits, even in the ripening stage, are not prone to cracking. The pulp is dense, with a small amount of water, pleasant taste, with a slight sourness. The aroma of the fruit is gentle lemon;
  • The yield is high - up to 8-9 kg of ripe fruits can be harvested from one bush, in a greenhouse this figure may be slightly higher. If the fruits do not have time to ripen on tomato bushes, then they can be left to ripen in room conditions;
  • The harvested crop tolerates transportation over fairly long distances, it is also well stored for several months;
  • The composition of the fruits contains the following useful substances: ascorbic acid and beta-carotene, therefore, the fruits of the Giant Lemon are included in the diet, eaten for viral diseases, as well as for raising immunity;
  • Above average resistance to major diseases and pest attacks is noted with appropriate care.

On a note. The harvested crop is most often used fresh, as well as for preparing salads and other dishes.

The fruits are too large, so it will not work to pickle them, but many housewives prepare mashed potatoes and tomato juice of the original yellow color from lemon.

Agricultural technology of cultivation

The variety is not hybrid

This variety has some characteristics that should be kept in mind while growing. One of these features is the tendency of the vegetative mass to fattening. Therefore, the Giant Lemon tomato is not grown in exactly the same way as other varieties of tomatoes.

To get a large harvest, you should take into account all the nuances of growing that take place:

  • in the process of growing seedlings at home;
  • picking up fertilizers for planting.

This variety is not hybrid, so many summer residents harvest their Lemon Giant seeds after the first season and use them in the future.

Important! The variety does not belong to early ripening, therefore, you should not pull with the planting of seed for seedlings. In most regions of our country, the best time for planting is the first decade of March. Moreover, the sowing material must be preheated and soaked - in this case, in the future, you can get the harvest 10-12 days earlier.

The seeds are soaked in the usual way, preventing the overgrowth of the sprouts.

You can buy soil for planting tomatoes in specialized stores, but you can prepare it yourself at home. To do this, you need to take in equal parts humus (or well-rotted manure), compost and fertile soil from the garden. River sand and 60 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate are added to such a nutrient mixture.

Fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied only during the growth of seedlings, since transplanted tomatoes, choosing nitrogen from the beds, actively increase the vegetative mass to the detriment of the formation of ovaries.

Containers are filled with the prepared nutrient substrate, in which sprouted seed is planted, which is laid out on the soil surface, and covered with soil residues, no more than 2 cm thick, after watering. After watering, the containers are covered with polyethylene and left warm.

After the sprouts appear (after about a week), the polyethylene is removed.

On a note. During the growth period, the seedlings should be well illuminated by the sun's rays, the temperature in the room should be maintained within 15-16 degrees C. Watering is carried out with water at room temperature, while the soil should be completely moistened.

The thickened seedlings are laid out in different containers. In the future, the care of the sprouts consists in watering and carrying out regular ventilation. With the correct preparation of the substrate, it is no longer necessary to feed the seedlings.

Transplanting to a permanent place is carried out according to the same rules as other varieties of tomatoes.

Since the variety can fatten, then the composition of the dressings with which adult plants are fertilized should not contain nitrogen. Typically, such dressings can consist of phosphate, potash fertilizers with the addition of wood ash.

On a note. Watering should be carried out several times a week, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Water for irrigation should be warm.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Large fruit sizes

Those of summer residents who grow Giant Lemon on their plots for more than one season, note the following positive qualities of the variety:

  • large fruit sizes;
  • excellent taste and original aroma of ripe tomatoes;
  • high nutritional value of ripe tomatoes;
  • large fruits tolerate transportation well, can be stored for a long time after picking up;
  • good presentation of the harvested crop;
  • with proper care, tomato bushes are practically not susceptible to disease.

This variety also has certain disadvantages that are characteristic of varietal species of vegetable plants:

  • The tall bushes of the Lemon Giant are demanding on the adherence to the irrigation regime. These plants are highly sensitive to the amount of moisture in the soil, as well as to air humidity (especially when it comes to growing the variety in closed ground), therefore, elite plants are watered according to a certain scheme, the violation of which leads to a decrease in yield, as well as to the occurrence of diseases;
  • Tall bushes require regular feeding, without which the growth and development of these vegetable plants slow down, and the fruits may not ripen to the declared size. Therefore, fertilization for this variety is an important condition for caring for a lemon giant tomato;
  • Soil preparation should be done in advance, adding enough nutrients to the beds so that this variety develops well from the first days.

On a note. These nuances can only say one thing - high-quality varieties of vegetable crops always require increased attention during the period of growth and ripening of the crop; without proper care, a high-quality crop cannot be obtained.