Viticulture is spreading more and more on the territory of Russia every year. This is due to the fact that new varieties of crops are being developed that are resistant to the climate characteristic of the country: Kishmish, Moscow Rapture, etc. The grapes are delicious and healthy. Its berries are used not only fresh, but also for preparing drinks and dishes. However, this plant requires special care. Therefore, the grower, before starting to grow this crop, should familiarize himself with the rules of caring for it and the main problems that may arise in the process. If you do not create all the necessary conditions, you can generally be left without a crop. Why there is no ovary on grapes is one of the most common questions that arises from novice gardeners.

What problems can arise during the flowering period

During flowering, problems often arise that significantly reduce crop yields. Basically, gardeners face the following difficulties during the flowering period:

  • barren flower;
  • the ovary of healthy grapes dies off before the fruit is formed;
  • flowers, having time to tie, crumble;
  • pollinated flowers begin to rot.

    Grape flowering period

If a problem is found during the flowering period, you need to carefully study it in order to take specific measures, since the causes of the occurrence and the ways to solve them are different. And in order not to aggravate the situation, you first need to find out why the ovary on the grapes crumbles, fruits do not form, flowers rot, etc.

Causes of problems

There are many factors affecting a crop that reduce its yield. All the reasons that affect the ovary of grape flowers and lead to their withering away can be divided into 2 large groups: natural and unnatural.

Natural causes include:

  • Unfavorable climate. Why do grape inflorescences wither and rot: frequent rains, scorching sun, strong wind. Also, heavy rains and low temperatures lead to pollination problems. Due to the abundant moisture, the pollinated flowers fall off, the ovary begins to rot and die off.
  • Plant age. Every vineyard knows that in the first few years after planting the grapes are very weak. The culture spends all its energy on strengthening the root system, and therefore problems arise with the formation of berries. Also, the plant weakens with age, the crop gives a good harvest within 8 years after planting. At the end of this period, the bush begins to weaken, the flowers cannot set and the bush stops blooming altogether.
  • Weak bush. Some shrubs are weak on their own, and even good care does not help to strengthen them. Flowers on such bushes rarely form, and if they begin to bloom, then they simply fall off afterwards.
  • Pests. The most common reason why grapes fall off are pests. There are 800 species of insects (mites, aphids, caterpillars, thrips, beetles) that harm this crop. Insects suck the juices out of the plant, resulting in a weak vine. Also, many insects feed on buds, ovaries, and emerging berries. Sometimes the flowers on the brush do not even have time to bloom. In addition to insects, rodents bring harm to grapes. In winter, the culture is closed so that it does not freeze, and the mice build nests there. During the winter, they eat up the bark and damage the branches, which is why the bush weakens and dries up.
  • Diseases. The shedding of the ovary of diseased grapes occurs due to the weakening of the plant.You can find out that the disease caused the death of flowers by looking at the leaves. The leaves change color and curl. However, the same signs appear when pests are exposed to the plant. Therefore, before taking action, you should carefully examine the plant.

    Grape disease

These are the main reasons that do not depend on leaving. In addition to the above, this list can also include the lack of pollination, unsuitable soil, and features of the variety.

Unnatural reasons include:

  • Excess or lack of fertilizer. To increase the yield of any crop, you need to periodically enrich the soil. Lack of nutrients is the main cause of barren flowers. An overabundance of fertilizer is also harmful, which provokes the fall of flowers, rotting.
  • Frequent use of chemicals. A chemical is not always beneficial. Too frequent treatment against pests and diseases leads to the fact that the ovary deteriorates and disappears during the process of fruit formation.
  • Incorrect pinning. To get a good harvest, you need to get rid of extra leaves and vines. It is important to carry out pickling at exactly the right time, you also need to know which branches you need to remove. It all depends on the characteristics of the plant species. If the procedure is not carried out correctly, then there will be problems with flowering.
  • Lack of watering or excess moisture. Why grapes fall off immediately after flowering: lack of moisture or an excess of it. If the plant does not receive enough moisture, then there will be a barren flower, the ovary will dry out and fall off. An excess of moisture mainly leads to the fact that the flowers and forming berries darken and fall off.
  • Damage to the vine. This weakens the plant and affects its yield. On the damaged vine, grapes dry up and fall.

    Damage to the vine

Unnatural causes are improper care. Therefore, if the gardener did not immediately recognize the rules for caring for a given crop, then he should not ask himself the question: why does the ovary crumble on the grapes and berries do not form, because the answer is obvious.

Ways to solve problems

Some problems with the productivity of the plant cannot be solved (unfavorable climate, age, weakness of the bush), but some of the problems can be eliminated by the gardener.

If there is only one barren flower (the grapes bloom well, but do not set), the bush should be sprayed with a special agent. It is advisable to select the funds depending on the variety. It should be sprayed in clear weather. Before using the drug, it is important to carefully read the instructions.

Spraying grapes

If the question arose: why does the ovary crumble on grapes, you need to carefully examine the plant. The main reason for this is insects and diseases, if they are detected, an urgent treatment is required. It is necessary to sprinkle with poison not only the infected bush, but also the neighboring bushes.

Important! It is necessary to re-process the plant in 7-10 days, since the larvae will hatch by that time. In order not to face such problems, the culture needs to be processed from time to time for prevention. It is advisable to use organic products, as an overabundance of chemicals leads to decay of flowers.

An overabundance of chemicals or a lack of fertilizers leads to the fall of flowers and berries. An overabundance of chemicals is expressed in different ways: the leaves turn yellow or, conversely, darken, the shoots are intensively growing. The signs of a lack of nutrients in the soil are the weakening of the plant, the dropping of the ovary. To avoid such problems, you should observe the established norms and not overdo it with prevention. The drug is applied to the plant as needed. It is advisable to carry out prophylaxis at high humidity and when infected plants are found. When planting and during flowering, a large amount of fertilizer should not be applied; it is better to do this in the fall. However, some varieties require constant feeding.

Important! Before planting a plant, it is important to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the crop, its characteristics and requirements, as well as the rules of cultivation. To get a good harvest, it is important to pay attention to every little detail.

Why the grapes do not even give a brush: improper pinching, damage to the vine, improper care in winter. A grape bush needs to be pinned from time to time, but it is difficult for a non-professional to do this. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to see the step by step instructions for the procedure. Harvesting, pinching and harvesting grapes for the winter must be very careful, since the stems are brittle. Their damage reduces the yield of the plant. Before freezing, vines need to be carefully laid and covered tightly so that they do not freeze. Any rodent repellent should be placed next to the branches so that they do not damage the roots and bark in winter.

Taking proper care of your crop during the flowering period will help you get a high yield. If problems arise during the flowering process, it is important to take action quickly, otherwise you can be left without berries. And in order for them to give a result, you must first establish the cause of the problem and only after that you start to fight it.