Potatoes are called the second bread, it occupies one of the first places in the human diet. Every year, breeders bring out more and more varieties of this vegetable, trying to get the best crop in all respects. One of these varieties is the Meteor potato, which will be discussed in this article.

The history of the creation of the variety

The meteor was brought out by the staff of the A.G. Lorkha by crossing the 84.19 / 44 hybrid with the varietal Shurminsky-2. It grows well and bears fruit in the following regions of Russia:

Potatoes Meteor

  • Central,
  • Volgo-Vyatsky,
  • Central Black Earth,
  • West Siberian.

This is the youngest potato variety. It was registered in the State Register in 2013.


The culture is one of the earliest, its growing season lasts no more than seventy-five days. Due to this, it is preferred to grow it not only in personal plots, but also in industrial agricultural complexes or farms.

Bushes grow tall, erect stems. The plant blooms in white. The leaves are small, rich green. The first tubers can be harvested six weeks after the first shoots appear. So what is it, potato variety Meteor, a description of the variety will help you understand.

Root crops are distinguished by an oval-round shape, covered with a yellow skin. The eyes are not too deep into the tuber. Potatoes weighing one hundred and fifty grams grow. The flesh in the cut is light yellow in color, the starch content reaches fifteen percent. From one hectare harvested from two hundred to four hundred centners of tubers.

Important! This variety is intended for cultivation not only in the regions of Russia, but also abroad.

Features of the variety

From under one Meteora bush, you can collect at least twelve large tubers. Their presentation is from eighty-eight to ninety-eight percent. These indicators attract gardeners to this variety. The tubers have good keeping quality.

The positive qualities of potatoes include taste. The tubers do not lose their color during the cooking process, they are boiled, which makes them an excellent puree. The best dish made from Meteor tubers is fried potatoes. Root crops can be sold in vacuum packaging.

Important! In order for the fried potatoes to have a crispy, golden crust, for their preparation, mix in equal proportions vegetable oil with butter.

This plant grows well in any region of the country. Under good weather conditions, the crop bears excellent fruit, but at the same time it tolerates drought well. The most favorable is the soil, which contains an admixture of clay. It is recommended to plant a plant from April to May, provided that the air temperature rises from eight to ten degrees.

The Meteor potato bush begins to form tubers at the same time as the buds. But you need to collect the first fruits no earlier than after they reach at least five centimeters in diameter. This is evidenced by the falling of flowers.

From under one Meteora bush, you can collect at least twelve large tubers

Agrotechnics of culture

Seed potatoes Meteor are completely unpretentious for growing, so even a beginner can cope with this task.

Note! Care and maintenance of this plant should not be neglected. By following all the recommendations for growing and care, you can achieve high yields.

Gardeners are advised to choose the planting date of the plant, observing the bird cherry. As soon as fragrant flowers appear on this tree, it means that it's time to plant the Meteor in the soil.

Before planting Meteor potatoes, you must prepare the soil for planting in advance. This should be done fourteen days before planting. The best place to grow potatoes is the area where they were previously grown:

  • Legumes;
  • Cabbage;
  • Bow;
  • Garlic;
  • Cucumbers.

In addition, for good growth and development of the culture, it is important to make sure that the area with the plant is well lit by the sun's rays.

Important! This crop loves to grow in a well-lit area. For this reason, in the area where potato tubers are planned to be planted, there should be no trees, no fences, or any other premises that can shade the light.

The soil before planting must be thoroughly dug up and fertilized with manure or peat. In addition, organic fertilizers must be applied in advance. This is done first in the fall. During this period, double superphosphate and potassium sulfate are introduced into the soil. In addition, fertilizers such as:

  • nitrogen,
  • potassium,
  • sulfur,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • iron.

The landing pattern should be as follows. The row spacing is no more than sixty centimeters, the distance between the holes is thirty-five centimeters. Planting depth should not be lower than eight centimeters and no deeper than ten centimeters. In order to avoid decay of root crops in places where it often rains, planting is best done in a ridge.

In the process of planting potatoes, a small amount of fertilizers such as ash and dry humus must be applied to each hole. In addition, bone meal and nitrophoska are excellent fertilizers. It is best if you fertilize the plant with Kemira.

Seed potatoes Meteor are completely unpretentious for growing

Further care for the plant should be the same as for any other variety. It should be remembered that early varieties of tubers begin to process within a week after planting.

In order to get a high crop yield, the following care conditions must be observed:

  1. After seven or ten days, the first agrotechnical actions are carried out: the soil is weeded from weeds and loosened to a shallow depth.
  2. To protect the first seedlings from possible frost, the rows of the crop must be hilled high.
  3. In dry weather, it is recommended to water the plants three times per season. In this case, so much water should be poured under the plants so that the soil is saturated by at least fifty centimeters.
  4. Further care of the plant consists in periodic root dressing. They also make at least three throughout the growing season. The first top dressing is done after the first shoots, for this nitrogen is added to the soil. During the flowering period, potash fertilizers are applied to the soil.

Important! If the potato bush looks bad and develops slowly, then this first of all means that there is not enough nutrients in the soil. Then you need to do both root and foliar feeding. You can add mullein during watering or spray the plant with a urea solution.

  1. In addition to root dressings, foliar dressings are used. To do this, use solutions prepared from micronutrient fertilizers.
  2. In order to protect the crop from pests and diseases, it is treated with chemicals, the actions of which are aimed at achieving these goals.

Potato tubers have excellent taste, high yield, shelf life. Thanks to these qualities, the plant has a high perspective for growing, both in the personal plot and in farm fields.

Important! In the process of selection, scientists managed to achieve the resistance of the culture to diseases and pests. Thus, gardeners will significantly save on the purchase of chemicals.

Early Meteor potatoes are endowed with immunity against diseases such as:

  • Cancer;
  • Dry rot;
  • Rhizoctonia disease;
  • Golden nematode.

In addition, the plant is able to resist against diseases:

The plant is able to resist disease

  • Late blight;
  • Scab;
  • Alternaria;
  • Wrinkled and striped mosaic.

Has the ability to resist pests:

  • Colorado beetle;
  • Aphid.

On a note. Meteor potatoes have the ability to independently resist diseases and pests, therefore, they do not require additional protective measures.

The only measure that is permissible throughout the entire period of growth and development of the culture is preventive treatments with preparations that contain insecticides. These include:

  • Karate,
  • Actellik,
  • Decis.

Thanks to them, the shrubs will be protected from other insects that harm the plant.

You can harvest potato tubers after six weeks, that is, in mid-June. The final ripening of tubers occurs in the month of July. The fact that the tubers are fully ripe can be understood by the yellow stems of the tops. Before you start harvesting, you need to mow the tops. Thanks to these actions, the tubers will be able to gain their maximum weight.

On a note. In order for the tubers to be well stored throughout the winter period, they must be thoroughly dried, immediately after harvest. After that, the potatoes are treated with Maxim. The processing rate is two hundred grams of the drug per ton of tubers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that the Meteor variety is practically new, its characteristic completely won the hearts of gardeners who decided to try to grow this culture. Farmers have identified a number of advantages compared to a variety such as potato variety Comet:

  • High yield rates;
  • Long shelf life of fruits;
  • Perfectly used in cooking, as well as for storage in a vacuum package;
  • Does not darken at all during cleaning and cooking;
  • Has excellent taste;
  • Has immunity against diseases;
  • It is not affected by other diseases.

In the process of growing, gardeners did not find any flaws in this plant. You can buy the culture in the seed shops of the country.

Meteor potatoes are ideal for growing crops in any region of Russia. At the same time, it does not require special care at all; subject to all cultivation technologies, it will thank the gardener with a high yield.