This bushy variety of pumpkin practically does not succumb to diseases and pests. The root system of squash is so powerful that it is often used to inoculate more whimsical cucumbers. Crops of pumpkin origin over time develop a large root system that also needs nutrition and watering. The harvest directly depends on the condition of the roots, so the zucchini must be fertilized. In addition, despite their unpretentiousness, they are demanding on soil fertility.

The planting scheme is as follows: a maximum of 3 seeds should be planted per square meter. Otherwise, they will prevent each other from growing and developing, taking nutrients from each other.

Zucchini are bush and semi-bush (with lashes), look oblong or round (in the shape of the fruit), are divided into early ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

What are the roots of zucchini

The root system is quite powerful. In the middle there is a large taproot, and on the sides are small adventitious lateral roots.

The main root can sink up to 1.5 meters in depth, the lateral roots can extend to the sides up to 1.3 meters. Their structure is highly branched, but the bulk is located at a depth of 30 centimeters.

This root system provides the vegetable crop with drought tolerance, so even in arid regions, yields are usually good. The ideal soil for pumpkin seeds is loamy chernozems and gray forest soils. Zucchini are also cultivated on sod-podzolic soils.


Do zucchini give lateral roots

The lateral branches of the main root occur in the upper soil layers. This means that the plants need to be cared for properly, with particular attention to widely spread roots.

Important!This vegetable crop is very fond of organic fertilizers, so it is quite difficult to overdo it with the amount of feeding.

Gardeners are advised to fertilize them with herbal infusion, it is prepared like this:

  • weeds must be filled with water in a container. Be sure to stir periodically;
  • let it brew for a week;
  • then strain and add water, the proportion is 1: 8. Now you can start complementary foods.

Note! When the lateral root roots begin to develop, it is imperative to loosen the soil and weed it thoroughly.

Zucchini during cultivation

Basic rules for the cultivation of zucchini:

  • It is necessary that the fertilizer affects the entire area of ​​the roots. Nutrients poured into one well will not help much.
  • In order for the fruits to receive more light and better ventilated, they are less prone to rot, it is advisable to thin out the leaves. In dense bushes, you can cut off no more than 3 sheets;
  • Plants are watered no more than 3 times a week, usually in the evenings. Watering abundantly, but not over-watering, will prevent rot. You need to use warm water from 23 degrees. To reduce moisture evaporation, it is enough to loosen the soil immediately after watering. You need to loosen it very carefully, because the roots are located close to the surface;
  • When the sprouts have received their first three leaves, gardeners are advised to huddle them;
  • To accelerate the growth of side shoots, pinch the main stem a little;
  • Before feeding the plant, it is advisable to water it.

Experienced gardeners are advised to plant pumpkin seeds in soil where the harvest has already been harvested from root crops - for example, after carrots or potatoes. By following these simple rules, it is not difficult to get a rich harvest of delicious healthy zucchini.