Horses play an important role in the lives of many people. For some, it is a means of transportation, for others - an assistant in work, others have a sports interest in them, and still others simply love these animals. There are a large number of breeds in the world; they are bred in stud farms. In Western Europe, these establishments appeared at the end of the eleventh century. It was then that people first began to keep and care for horses. A description of the main breeds can be found in this article.


In the old days, animals in most cases lived in the wild and procured food for themselves. Soon, man began to rebuild stables, thus creating comfortable conditions for horses to live. In addition, grooms, veterinarians, and animal trainers began to work with them, depending on their goals.

Horses are divided into:

  • heavy-duty;
  • harness;
  • riding;
  • trotting.


This type of horse is intended for riding. These animals are distinguished by their agility and swiftness. They pass on all the best qualities to their offspring. Their appearance differs significantly from other categories:

  • small head,
  • the neck is long, with a pronounced withers,
  • strong legs, with strong hooves,
  • the height of the animal depends on the species,
  • chest is wide, deep,
  • rounded ribs,
  • the body flexes its muscles.

Horses are characterized by a large amount of blood in the body, as well as enlarged heart and lungs. This is a general description of horses. In more detail, each breed should be considered separately.


Riding horse

The most famous in the territory of the Russian Federation are such breeds of riding horses as:

  • The English Thoroughbred is one of the most frisky breeds, which was bred in the eighteenth century and was intended to participate in races. When making a choice from young foals, attention was paid only to those who were the most hardy and playful. This breed has always been considered a purebred for its positive qualities and characteristics. It is customary to use English for both sports horse racing and for hunting on horseback. Anyone interested in horse racing can purchase this particular breed. But she has her flaw - a capricious character.
  • Arabian purebred. This species is the oldest in the world. But until now it remains in the first positions of the rating and demand. To buy this horse, people spend a lot of money at auctions. There is a heated debate about the origin of the breed. The opinion of some people is that it happens thanks to the removal of the Bedouins. According to the second version, the parents of the current purebred were born and raised on the Arabian Peninsula. Moreover, they lived there in 3000-2000 BC.
  • The Appaloosa horse is ideal for horse racing and riding. It is a strong animal with great speed. She is also very friendly. Horses of this species differ from others by the presence of spots. It is for this feature that they became famous in the first place.
  • The Hanoverian horse has shown itself in sports with very high performance. Previously, it was used as just a worker, later as a refined one. Now the purpose of horses is unambiguous - sport. The animal is very tall, reaching one hundred and seventy-five centimeters at the withers. Hanoverian horses are bred not only in Germany, but also in Lithuania and Russia.The only remark is that a horse has high athletic performance only if the jockeys are from Germany.
  • The Akhal-Teke breed is distinguished by its loyalty and affection. Only the person who looks after her can approach her. The animal is very patient and hardy. Outwardly, the wool shines and shimmers.
  • The Ukrainian horse is practically a new variety, which was registered only in 1990. To bring it out, they used the best riding horses from all countries. The result was a horse that surpassed everyone in endurance. She can easily walk more than a hundred kilometers under the saddle.

In addition, riding horse breeds include varieties, the list of which is given below:

  • Arabat horse,
  • gunter horse,
  • bald horse,
  • Anglo-Arabian horse,
  • Camargue horse breed,
  • horse of the rocky mountains,
  • Kalmyk horse,
  • Quarter Horse Quarter Horse,
  • Canadian horse breed,
  • horse alter real,
  • australian horse,
  • barber horse,
  • horse from the Mearas breed.


Horses, which are usually used in harness, have their own characteristics. They are much stronger than their relatives and much more massive than them. Such horses are capable of transporting any cargo.


Horse-draft horse breed

The appearance of the animal is distinguished by a wide, straight back, strong lumbar compartment. Muscles play on the thighs, while the legs are bony and dry. When walking, their movements are sweeping, the limbs are set wide. Most often, such horses are kept in villages for work in the field and for transporting goods.

The following are considered the most popular on the territory of the Russian Federation.


The Latvian breed is the result of crossing Latvian mares with Oryol trotters and German half-breeds. Animals of this species have a bay color in most cases.

These horses are used both for harnessing and for riding. They jump well over obstacles, so they take prizes in equestrian sports.

Belarusian harness

This species was bred back during the Soviet Union, but it was possible to register it only in the year two thousand. The Belarusian breed was bred in three stages. At the first stage, local horses were crossed with Hanoverian, Swedish, Ardennes thoroughbred horses. The result is the Oshmyany breed of draft horses. These horses quickly gained popularity and began to be exported abroad.

At the second stage, they tried to restore the Belarusian variety, which was grown on the territory before the war. Most often, mares were artificially inseminated.

At the third stage, the standards were obtained by which the breed was determined, and the main selection of purebred individuals began. Only after that was the registration carried out.

Tori breed

The Tory horse breed got its name from the Tory factory where they were bred. It was from here that they began to spread throughout Estonia.

Horses in this country are notable for their small stature, only up to one and a half meters at the withers. For this reason, experts set out to grow the variety larger than local individuals. But since the villagers did not like the results of the experts' experiments, they themselves began to cross the local aborigines with thoroughbred horses. Thus, the Tory breed was obtained. Tori horses differ from others in the isabella suit, which is inherent in all individuals without exception.


Belarusian harness

In addition, the following breeds should be attributed to riding-draft horses:

  • black horse,
  • Haflinger horse,
  • Indian horse,
  • Finnish horse,
  • Karabair horse breed,
  • horses cbr,
  • bengal horse,
  • horses in kcr,
  • Japanese horse breeds,
  • Armenian horse.


Sled horses include those breeds that are used exclusively for working in harness. These animals can carry cargo, plow. Their gait is either a step or a trot. The most famous are the following.

Bashkir breed

This breed is used in the Urals. They are distinguished by their wide forehead, back and straight head profile.

It is important to know! Do not force an animal that has just eaten to do heavy work. Because of this, he may develop health problems, namely with cardiac activity or respiratory tract.

In addition, this type of horse can not only do hard work - they also get tasty milk from the mares.


Bashkir breed


Tinker - they are also called Irish Cob and Gypsy Harness Horse. These mares are distinguished by a strong muscular body, their backs are gracefully curved, they have powerful limbs. In addition, these horses have a very lush tail and mane, and there are lush brushes on their legs. These animals can be used for both sled work and riding.

Irish breed

These individuals have a massive body and strong limbs. The trotter not only develops speed quickly, but also jumps perfectly. At the same time, thanks to strong legs, he easily lands during the jump.

Workers are also such breeds:

  • abyssinian horse,
  • Kyrgyz horse breed,
  • Icelandic horse,
  • tinker horse,
  • brabancon horse,
  • cladrube horse,
  • Lusitanian horse,
  • fjord horse,
  • Kazakh horse,
  • pinto horse.

Trotting horses also belong to the harness. They are used for trotting jogging. Most often, these trotters perform at hippodromes, where they transport light carriages. In terms of body structure, such horses occupy an average position between a heavy draft and a saddle. The following breeds are widespread in Russia.


Irish breed

Oryol trotter

This is the pride of the Russian people. It is used for light sledding and has positive qualities such as determination, courage and a quick trot. These horses often win prizes in competitions at racetracks.

Interesting. The Oryol breed was bred by Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky. In 1776, the first breeding stallion named Smetanka was received. In 1777 he died, continuing his family. He gave birth to four foals and one small filly.

Russian trotter

The parents of this breed are the Oryol and Armenian trotters. She appeared in one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine. This horse has significantly surpassed the Oryol breed in agility. It is used only in equestrian sports.

Mention should also be made of breeds such as:

  • French trotter,
  • north swedish horse,

Heavy duty

These horses vary in size. Their body is rather large and muscular, the head is large, dry, and has a wide frontal bone. The upper part of the body is very broad, the croup has a regular slope.

Interesting. Horses are very calm in character, docile. In addition, they are completely unpretentious in the consumption of feed, therefore, even with minimal feeding, they do not lose weight and keep their "shape".

In addition, heavyweights are distinguished by longevity and give large offspring for the continuation of the breed. They are used for the purpose of working in the fields, for transporting heavy loads. They are very hardy and hardworking. The most popular heavyweight breeds are as follows.

Ardennes breed

This is the oldest breed developed in Europe. The animal has a very massive body structure and is most often used to transport logging. Knights can be of the following suits:

  • Redhead;
  • Bay;
  • Gray;
  • Chaluyu.

Horse breed Brabonson

This type of heavy truck was bred in Belgium. Despite the fact that the body is more massive and large, the legs of the animal are completely thin. They have thick brushes. The body is large, especially large in size.


Horse breed Brabonson

Breed Percheron

These animals are distinguished by their broad bones and muscular bodies. They are very athletic, massive, strong. Percherons horses are beautiful. In color, in most cases they are found only black. Very rarely can be roan or red.

In addition, there are also such breeds of heavyweights as:

  • Karabakh horse,
  • Suffolk horse,
  • boulogne horse,
  • Tuvan horses,
  • Iranian horse,
  • horses of the Shire breed,
  • Soviet heavy truck,
  • Vladimir heavy truck,
  • Belgian horse,
  • Novoaltaiskaya breed.

Russian horse breeds

In ancient times, Russian horses were divided into three categories:

  • gracious,
  • sums,
  • casual.

Merciful trotters were intended to be used by the nobility to move from one point to another. The summons were supposed to transport luggage from place to place, while the occasional ones were meant to be harnessed to the wagon train. The most common breeds are still the following.

Don breed

These are fairly large animals that can be used for military operations and campaigns. They come from the steppe.

Vyatka horse

This breed prefers to live in forest areas. It began its existence in the fourteenth century. Until the Orlov trotter was bred, it was this animal that was the most popular and demanded. They are used exclusively in harness.

Bashkir horse

Very small horses, which are called ponies, can also be attributed to draft horses. These individuals are small in size. Despite their height, they are very hardworking and hardy. The Avelin horse belongs to this category.

How many thoroughbred horses exist in nature! Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, however, they are loved, cherished and cared for. Remembering all horse breeds is very difficult. So it is best to choose an animal whose breed is known and the care of which is not very specific.