White animals in the wild are extremely rare, this phenomenon is literally called unique. As a rule, such a coat color can be obtained as a result of painstaking selection work. Today, several breeds of white rabbits are distinguished, which have numerous advantageous features. White rabbits - with red eyes, this is their characteristic as they are albinos.

White rabbit: description and characteristics

Today, several breeds of white rabbits are widespread in agricultural land:

  • The Rabbit Pannon is a relatively young breed, which began to be bred in Hungary. To develop the Pannon breed, breeders began to breed several representatives of white breeds, namely, albino rabbits of local varieties, white giants, California and New Zealand white rabbits. This approach allowed us to get a look that has absorbed the best qualities of the “parents”. These rabbits are soft-haired, have a snow-white coat, long and erect ears, graceful physique. On these grounds, they are easy to distinguish from other varieties. Breeding this breed is a very profitable business. The characteristics of the white rabbit Pannon indicate that animals quickly reach reproductive maturity, reproduce actively and bring viable offspring. Rabbits have developed maternal qualities, they never leave their cubs.

Rabbit White Pannon

  • White giant. Already from the name, the characteristic features of the breed are clear - impressive size and white coat color. The breed was bred through a long and careful breeding selection. All experiments were carried out in laboratory conditions. The color of the rabbit hair is snow-white. Due to the complete absence of guard hair, the structure of the fur is fluffy. This breed is profitable, and all thanks to its unpretentious care and maintenance, as well as endurance. The genotype of the white rabbit allows to bear numerous offspring, which is characterized by endurance and vitality. The decorative properties of animals are at a height, so they are often grown at home.
  • The white downy rabbit is the result of the painstaking work of English and Russian breeders from the Kursk region. The breed was bred by crossing angora white representatives with common local rabbits. The work was not only painstaking, but also lengthy. The desired result has been consolidated over several generations. As a result, hardy rabbits with strong immunity have been developed, which have excellent adaptive properties. Distinctive features - reddish eyes and snow-white wool of the highest quality. These rabbits are famous for their rapid growth rate, unpretentiousness in nutrition and maintenance. The female brings up to 8 rabbits in one litter.

White downy rabbit

  • The New Zealand White breed was developed by crossing Flanders with local albinos. As a result of crossing, individuals of compact size with strong immunity were obtained. The average weight of a well-fed adult is 5 kg. The undercoat is thick and rather dense, which makes the animals excellently adaptable in regions with adverse weather and climatic conditions. This breed belongs to the meat sector, therefore they are most often grown to obtain dietary and tender meat.

Features of care and maintenance

White rabbits should not be kept in tight cages. Even if it may seem to the farmer that it is spacious, the animals may simply die. For keeping, it is required to build cages intended for several animals. The main thing is to take into account that one individual has 0.5 m².

It is recommended to place the cages on the floor, but in no case on top of each other. In addition, animals do not react well to high temperatures and drafts, so their habitat must be protected from gusts of wind and drafts, as well as protected from direct sunlight.

Rabbits of breed White Pannon

It is recommended to make the upper part of the cage hinged, and the lower one - to beat off with iron plates. Thanks to the latter, rodents will not be able to get into the cage.

Feeding is no different. White rabbits love young shoots, tree twigs, and they also like vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Note!It is very important to monitor the quality of the feed consumed: hay and grain.


For breeding breeds of white rabbits, it is required to bring purebred representatives. Otherwise, the offspring may have pathological disorders. To improve certain qualities or to breed new hybrids, females and males of different breeds are brought together.

Animals reproduce quickly. The help of the breeder in these matters is not required, since the females have an excellently developed maternal instinct. They never abandon their cubs, be sure to feed them.

Breeding rabbits at home

Important! For one okrol, a rabbit can bring up to 14 young rabbits to the farmer, but most often the number of cubs does not exceed 7-9. As a rule, a rabbit has a lot of milk, it is enough to feed babies up to 9 weeks of age.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The breeds described above are considered elite among all representatives of domestic rabbits. A large number of domestic farmers grow white breeds commercially. This is due to the receipt of tender, dietary and high quality meat, as well as excellent wool.

The breeds are widely known for their advantages:

  • The weight. The weight of adults, as a rule, reaches 5 kg. Roughly speaking, one carcass can feed a family of 4-5 people.
  • Fur. In animals with white wool, fur is of excellent quality, it is highly valued by processors. This is another way farmers make money.
  • Feed volume. The cost of feed is low as the animals gain weight quickly.
  • Rates of growth. Animals can be sent for slaughter at 3-4 months of age.

Rabbits White Pannon quickly gain weight

As for the disadvantages, farmers note the following:

  • Problems with paws. Due to their impressive size, animals often develop foot problems, which cause obvious discomfort.
  • Fruit dermatitis and mastitis. Females of these breeds are often exposed to similar diseases.

In any case, white breeds of rabbits have absorbed a large number of advantageous features that more than cover the disadvantages. And there are enough of them to start a successful rabbit business!