Carrots are a common healthy root vegetable. It is widely planted by gardeners in Russia and other countries. However, the questions "when to sow carrots?", "How to plant carrots correctly?" are relevant for summer residents who want to increase their harvest. The correct timing for planting crops, as well as agricultural technology, mean a lot. Observing step-by-step instructions, you can grow a large number of high-quality juicy root crops at minimal cost.

When to plant carrots

The planting of a vegetable crop depends on four factors. Among them:

  • Gardener preferences;
  • Variety;
  • Geographic region;
  • Moon calendar.

Gardener preferences

Sowing carrots is allowed in spring, summer, autumn. If the gardener prefers to get an early harvest that can be harvested in June, then the planting option is suitable for him before winter. The main advice in this case is to have time to plant seeds 7-10 days before prolonged frosts. For example, in the Moscow region, this can be done in the last week of October or a little later.


When to plant carrots in spring? If you believe folk signs, then the best time to plant carrots in open ground is after the aspen begins to bloom. You can navigate by the birch. If it has blossomed leaves, the carrots can be sown. It was at this time that the earth warms up to + 6 ... + 9 degrees. The daily air temperature is not lower than +8 degrees. Planting should be completed 10-15 days before the cherry blossoms. It often happens that as soon as flowers bloom on a bird cherry, a cold snap begins. Carrots will cope with this without any problems only if they are already rooted.

Summer landing is carried out approximately in June. Carrots planted in summer are suitable for long-term storage. Such root vegetables in the cellar can lie for about 7-9 months.

Note! The benefits of carrots are in the content of a large amount of vitamins: A, C, E, PP, group B. This root vegetable is necessary for growth, increased brain activity, and increased immunity.


There are several hundred different varieties of carrots. At the same time, breeders do not stop working on improving the root crop. When planting, you must focus on the selected variety. Usually, the optimum planting time is indicated on the seed bag. The varieties are divided into three types:

  1. Early;
  2. Average;
  3. Late.

The early ones are planted 2 weeks after the snow melts, when the average air temperature is at + 6 ... + 12 degrees. The ripening period for early carrots is 2 months. The orange vegetable can be harvested in June-July.

Early variety of carrots Karotel Paris

Medium varieties ripen 3 months after planting. They are usually sown in spring after warmth or in summer. This root vegetable is suitable for storage. Medium varieties, which are characterized by frost resistance, are sown before winter.

Late varieties are planted in early June. They are mainly intended for storage in the cellar. The growing season is 4 months. Harvesting takes place in autumn, in central Russia - in October.

Geographic region

When planting carrots, it is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region in which the gardener lives.

The middle zone of Russia is characterized by an unstable spring.Snow melts at the end of March-April. But even after the descent there are frosts. It is best to organize planting in the last decade of April. It was at this time that aspen blooms and birch blossoms in the Moscow region and other regions of the central part of the country. Summer planting is organized in June, autumn - at the end of October or early November. You can plant early varieties, medium, late.

Climate in central Russia

In the Urals, snow melts in mid to late April. Spring, as well as in the center, can be unpredictable. Cool weather with rains may persist until early summer. Usually in the Perm Territory, Izhevsk, Orenburg, Magnitogorsk and other cities, carrots are planted in May. Summer planting takes place in June, autumn - in October. All varieties of carrots are planted in this geographic region.

Siberia with its short summers is ideal for planting mid-season varieties. They are planted as soon as the weather has become significantly warmer. A suitable month is May. Air and soil at this time warm up to + 8 ... + 10 degrees. Mid-season carrots are not afraid of a short summer. Its growing season does not last long. Three months are enough for her to give a quality crop.

Climate in Siberia

The southern district of our country is characterized by short winters without a stable snow cover. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory there is no snow already in February. You can start sowing carrots in early to mid-March, depending on the weather. Carrots are a moisture-loving culture, therefore, in the southern regions, it is impossible to delay planting, otherwise the earth will become too dry, and the carrots may simply not grow. However, summer planting of carrots is allowed. It takes place in May. In this case, the carrot bed is constantly moistened. Landing before winter begins at the end of November. Both early, mid-season and late varieties are suitable for planting in the south.

Moon calendar

The lunar sowing calendar will help determine the best time for planting carrots. It is compiled taking into account the phases of the Earth's satellite. It is believed that it is the lunar phases and quarters that influence the rhythms of horticultural crops. If you organize planting according to this guide, you can increase the yield. However, before choosing a favorable day on the calendar, it is worth considering the climatic features of the region, the weather outside the window, and the variety of culture.

Sowing lunar calendar for 2018

How to plant carrots in spring correctly

Planting carrots in spring, sowing, when to sow, how to plant correctly? Planting carrots is easy. An experienced gardener and a beginner will cope with it. To get a lot of juicy root vegetables, you need to know how to plant carrots correctly. Agricultural technology of carrot cultivation consists of the following stages:

  • Site selection;
  • Soil processing and preparation;
  • Preparatory work with seeds;
  • Distance between seeds;
  • Sowing.

Seat selection

A bed for root crops is selected in the central part of the site. It should be well lit by the sun's rays. Without the proper amount of sun, carrots will become frail, their tops stunted, and their roots thin. It is better if the ground in this place is level, without slope.

Place for planting carrots

Carrots prefer neutral, loose soil. The culture grows well in loamy soil with a sufficient amount of sand. Sour and alkaline earth is absolutely not suitable for her.

A good harvest of carrots can be obtained if thickets of peas, radishes, and tomatoes are grown next to it. These cultures do not oppress, but, on the contrary, positively influence each other.

Important! Better predecessors: cabbage, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes. Bad predecessors: dill, parsley. It is not recommended to plant carrots in the same garden where they grew last year.

Soil processing and preparation

It is best to prepare a bed for carrots 6-9 months before sowing carrots. If sowing is planned in the spring months, then the place is cultivated in the fall. The bed is dug to a depth of 20-40 cm. All weeds, stones, and foreign objects are removed from the ground.

Carrot bed

Peat, sand, sawdust are added to heavy loam. Thus, the earth will become more loose, airy. Carrots love fertile soil. 4-5 kg ​​of humus is introduced per 1 square meter.

In order to deoxidize the soil and bring the pH value closer to 6 pH, dolomite flour, chalk are introduced at the rate of 1 glass per 1 square meter.

Additional Information. It is not recommended to fertilize the carrot bed with manure. Otherwise, the amount of nitrogen in the earth increases. Because of this, the carrots fork, lose their sweetness.

In the spring, fertilizers are laid out on the garden bed: potassium sulfate, urea, granular superphosphate. For 1 square meter, 15-25 grams of each substance is taken. The bed is well dug so that the fertilizers are at a depth of 10-20 cm. Then it is harrowed with a rake. After 1 week, carrots can be planted in the garden.

Preparatory work with seeds

Seeds in pellets, industrial belts with seeds can be planted immediately. They do not need pre-sowing preparation. It is better to prepare ordinary seeds, it will take 3-4 days.

  • First, the seeds should be poured into a plate and examined. The marriage is removed;
  • The seed is placed in warm water for half a day. If, after this period, some seeds have surfaced, they should be thrown away. They will not sprout;
  • Seeds are laid out on cotton wool or gauze. A cloth or cotton wool is well moistened with water. It is necessary to keep the material in a humid environment for 3 days. The gauze is poured with water as needed. After three days, the seeds should swell. Their roots will hatch. They are ready to land.

Distance between seeds

Carrot seeds are very small. These grains are difficult to plant individually. Often the seeds are simply sown in a trickle into the furrow. Then they need to be thinned out. You can try to lay 1 seed in a trench. Then the recommended distance between them is 3-4 cm.

In order not to thin out the seedlings, gardeners use a trick. There are several options for planting carrots in such a way that you do not pull out some of the bushes. For example, the use of granulated seeds. They have a thick shell of nutrients and are much larger than normal seeds. Planting such material does not cause problems. This is the fastest planting method.

Distance between carrot seeds

A popular method is to plant in egg cells. Egg cartons are taken and placed on the garden bed. Each cell is covered with earth, but before that the bottom is cut out. 1 seed is placed in one cell.

You can prepare toilet paper tapes with seeds in advance. Toilet paper is cut into strips 2-3 cm wide and one meter long. A paste is made from flour or starch. Drops of paste are applied to the tapes. Seeds are placed in them. The distance between them should be about 3-5 cm. After the paste has dried, the tapes are removed to a dry place or planted.

Sowing scheme

In order to sow carrots correctly, you need to adhere to some rules. It's worth waiting for a good day. When the weather is calm and dry outside, furrows are made in the garden bed, 2-3 cm deep. The distance between the furrows is 10-20 cm. The holes are watered with hot water. Each furrow is covered with fly ash. Then seeds are sown there. Planting depth - 2 cm. It is necessary to sprinkle the material with loose earth carefully.

Sowing scheme for carrots

It is recommended to cover the plantings with foil or spunbond. After a few days, the garden can be opened or you can wait until sprouts appear. Shoots can be seen in 7-9 days.

If part of the seed has not sprouted, the seeds can be sown after the sprouts appear.

Landing before winter

How to plant carrots in the fall? When planting before winter, the sowing pattern is similar to the spring one. Only the seeds are deepened into the ground by 3-4 cm. The seed must be dry. He does not need preparation. After the garden bed is mulched. Sawdust, hay will do. You can additionally lay spruce branches on top of the mulch.


Growing an orange root vegetable requires proper care.It consists in thinning, watering, feeding, weeding, loosening, protection from diseases, pests.

If the usual planting method is chosen, then the carrots will have to be thinned out. This is done in two steps: after sprouting and 15 days after the first thinning. Weak bushes are removed for the first time. The distance between shoots should be 2-3 cm. In the second thinning, frail plants are also removed. The distance between the root crops is about 5-8 cm. The vegetable needs free space to develop normally.

On a note. Watering is carried out every 3-5 days. 20-35 liters of separated water are used per square meter. Watering stops 2 weeks before harvest.

Watering carrots

Fertilizing carrots is recommended twice during the growing season. Liquid mixtures are used. The first time fertilization is applied one month after planting, the second time - 1.5 months after the first procedure. Carrots love nitrophosphate, urea, potassium nitrate. They must be diluted in water and introduced into the ground, following the instructions.

Council. It is best to loosen the soil and remove weeds after rain or watering. The frequency of procedures is 1 time in 20 days.

If the tops have started to dry out, it is possible that the crop was attacked by a carrot fly. You can remove it with the help of Karate, Actellik preparations.

When properly planted and cared for, the root crop rarely suffers from pests or diseases. However, prevention cannot be neglected. The best prevention against diseases and pests is watering the beds with Bordeaux liquid.

How to get the maximum yield of carrots

To grow a tasty, juicy root vegetable in large quantities, a number of conditions must be observed:

  • Buy only high quality seeds;
  • Conduct pre-planting preparation. Select and soak the seeds for several days;
  • Choose a sunny place for planting;
  • Prepare the garden in the fall. Dig up, add humus, sawdust;
  • Choose the optimal time for planting;
  • The roots of a vegetable go into the ground for 1 meter or more. Therefore, you need to dig the garden carefully. Suitable depth is 20-40 cm;
  • The bed should be level, not tilted. It must be pierced;
  • Do not plant carrots in acidic soil. To deoxidize the earth, chalk, dolomite flour are used;
  • It is important to observe the crop rotation. You cannot plant carrots for several years in the same place. The best predecessors: cabbage, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • Carrots cannot develop normally without timely, abundant watering. You need to water every 3-5 days;
  • At the same time, waterlogging of the soil should not be allowed. Stagnation of water for root crops is destructive;
  • It is important to thin out the seedlings so that the roots receive enough nutrients and moisture;
  • Twice a season, carrots are fed with fertilizers. Suitable nitrophoska, urea, potassium nitrate.

By following all the recommendations for growing carrots, you can get a decent harvest. If you pay attention to planting, and then caring for root crops, then the result will delight any summer resident. With proper work, 4-7 kg of selected carrots can be collected from a square meter.
