Cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables in our country, there are many varieties of it. The most favorite variety of white cabbage among gardeners is called Rinda, it is bought and cultivated much more often than all other varieties. Due to its excellent taste, as well as good yield and unpretentiousness, Rinda cabbage has many fans both among amateur gardeners and among serious farmers.

History of creation

Cabbage variety Rinda is obtained by hybridization of mid-season white cabbage from the Dutch agro-concern Monsanto, sold on the market under the brand name Seminis. The Russian scientist V.I. Bolgov. The hybrid was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia in 1993, as it passed variety trials, with regionalization in the Central and Volga-Vyatka regions of Russia, and received a varietal quality certificate. A very similar variety that is often confused with Rinda is Rinza cabbage.

Rinda cabbage

Characteristics and features of the variety

This hybrid is considered a mid-ripening type of white cabbage. From the moment the first green shoots appear until the possibility of harvesting cabbage, 4-4.5 months pass, and from planting seedlings in open ground - from 80 to 85 days.

Cabbage forks are quite powerful, slightly raised at the base of the stump, leaf spreading is medium. Stem - stump erect, branched, up to 0.15 m high. The lower leaves are petiolate, form a compact rosette, the upper ones are sessile.

Heads of cabbage are round, yellow-white in color. The inside of the cabbage is dense, with a clear internal structure. Each vegetable weighs at least three kilograms, there are “record holders” of 8 kilograms.

In the center of the fork is a short rod - a stump. Rinda's leaves are loose, but elastic and spreading, tender and juicy, leaf veins run along the rounded leaf plate, its average size is 0.4-0.5 centimeters.

Characteristics and features of the variety

The storage periods of the harvested heads of cabbage are short - from a couple of weeks to a whole month. The taste is very pleasant, does not contain bitterness. This green vegetable is rich in vitamins "A", "PP", "C", group "B", as well as essential amino acids, minerals and trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese). Rinda cabbage fruits can be used fresh, for fermentation, as well as for cooking cabbage rolls, stewing and frying. Also, this variety of white cabbage stands perfectly on the vine (therefore, late harvest is possible), has the property of not cracking even when fully ripe, almost does not shoot and is very plastic.

A common white-headed type of varietal cabbage only in the second year forms flowering shoots with yellow racemose flowers cross-pollinated by insects. Seeds are formed from them - round, spherical, black, up to two to three millimeters in diameter, very similar to rutabaginous, mustard or turnip. However, Rinda is a hybrid, so it is not grown before flowering, and the seeds are purchased each time before planting in specialized stores.

On a note. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, you can get a fairly high yield of cabbage from one square meter of beds - up to 10-12 kg.

Agricultural technology of cultivation

You can plant this variety of cabbage using both seedling and non-seedling methods. When growing directly from seeds, you need to take care of choosing the right place for future beds, preferably in the fall:

  • dig up a shovel bayonet;
  • to produce lime at the rate of ½ kg per one square. plot meter;
  • add organic fertilizing, best of all - peat-humus mixture, one bucket per square meter.

Seed planting is carried out in the spring: in the third decade of April-first of May. It is recommended to pre-soak the seed in a saline solution for up to 10 minutes, after another 30 minutes in simple water heated to 50 degrees. This is done to disinfect seeds. It is necessary to make two to three centimeter depressions in the prepared place, in each of which pour 5-6 seeds.

Important! The step should be at least 0.3 meters, and between the grooves - up to a meter, taking into account the size of the ripe cabbage.

The final stage is soil mulching with sawdust or rotted horse manure. After a while, the beds with the planted seeds must be treated with weed control agents, for example, herbicide or Ramrod / Semeron (half a gram per 1 square meter).

Rinda cabbage seedlings are grown in special planting cube containers or small pots. Previously, the seeds must be kept in warm water, after which they are placed in the substrate mixture to a centimeter depth. Before the first green shoots appear, the recommended ambient temperature is not higher than +22 degrees, after germination it must be reduced to plus 10 so that the seedlings do not stretch out in vain, and in order to harden the future cabbage.

After a couple of weeks, the seedlings must be dived, i.e. plant too densely sprouted seedlings in different containers. This procedure makes it possible to develop the most robust and viable plants.

Important! Before planting a seedling in a new place, it must be well spilled with warm water.

When the first 6-8 green leaves are released, the seedlings can be transferred to a permanent place in open beds. The soil, as in the seedless method, must be dug up and enriched with organic fertilizing.

According to the description available for cabbage like Rind and Rinza, the maximum number of plants per bed of 10 "squares" is 4 dozen. If this rate is exceeded, the yield will be much lower. The recommended layout of the heads of cabbage is 0.35 by 0.5 meters.

Cabbage should be watered once every 5-7 days, such early watering is carried out at the rate of 10 liters of water per 1 square meter of beds, and with the development of foliage - up to 14 liters. As the heads of cabbage grow and develop, the irrigation of the bushes should be increased up to 1 time in 4 days, which will contribute to the enlargement of the fruits.

Note! Each application of moisture must be completed by loosening to a depth of 0.1 m, which will give the cabbage roots additional oxygen for breathing. In addition, the beds will also have to be loosened after rains so that crusts do not form on the ground.

We should not forget about the removal of weeds that draw nutrients from the soil, thereby depleting the nutrition of young cabbage, and also contribute to the attraction of insect pests.

Another procedure that is included in the mandatory care of Rinda cabbage is hilling, i.e. raking a mound of soil to the root zone of the plant. It is carried out at least a couple of times: the first - two weeks after disembarkation, the second - 4 weeks later. Hilling carried out correctly and on time helps the seedlings to develop and gets rid of weeds.

Plant nutrition is carried out using peat, humus (10 kilograms per 1 square meter) or a mixture of wood ash (half a kilo), superphosphate (0.04 kg) and urea (0.01 kg). The second time you can add a mixture of water and urea - at the stage of seedling development. The final feeding consists of a solution of cow dung and is carried out during the development of the heads of cabbage.

Fertilizer superphosphate

The hybrid Rinda white cabbage in the description says that it is generally immune to diseases, however, with improper care or adverse conditions, plants can suffer from diseases such as:

  • powdery mildew;
  • Keel powdery mildew;
  • blackleg;
  • cabbage aphid and cruciferous flea.

You can fight these diseases with the help of Bordeaux liquid, acetic acid, wood ash, soap solution, tobacco crumbs, as well as the drugs "Granosan" and "Actellic". However, it is best to carry out preventive measures.

Bordeaux liquid

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The characteristic of the variety includes its positive and negative qualities. The advantages of Rinda cabbage are:

  • excellent sweet taste and juicy pulp;
  • high yield rates;
  • long-lasting presentation, good keeping quality and simultaneous maturation of heads of cabbage of the same size;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions and soil composition;
  • easily adapts to temperature differences;
  • high resistance to typical diseases.

The cons of this cabbage hybrid are as follows:

  • there is no resistance to a long anhydrous period, as well as to moisture stagnation;
  • increased need for insolation, with a lack of it, heads of cabbage may not be tied;
  • may be affected by slugs and fleas;
  • due to the popularity, there is a risk of acquiring fake seed.

The main feature of the mid-ripening Rinda cabbage is ease of maintenance, as well as good yield, which makes it suitable for growing in various climatic zones of Russia. This guarantees Rinde a well-deserved popularity among gardeners, despite the huge selection of white cabbage on the market.