Cabbage grows in almost every vegetable garden. The cultivation of a delicious vegetable starts with growing seedlings. You can plant seeds for planting in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The culture tolerates temperature extremes quite firmly. Therefore, any gardener will cope with this matter. The main thing is to know some of the subtleties of how to sow cabbage for seedlings in a greenhouse correctly. If you adhere to all the rules, the heads of cabbage will delight the owners of the site with their size and juiciness.

Culture information

Cabbage is a vegetable that represents the Cruciferous family. The culture has been known since ancient times. The plant is biennial. In the first year, it forms a large, strong head of cabbage. The head of cabbage is actually a bud located at the top of the stem. The stem is powerful, durable. Its diameter is about 3-7 cm. It is used for food. A head of cabbage consists of upper and lower leaves. The leaf plates are elastic, large. Depending on the variety, the head (another name for the head) can be from 1 to 8.5 kg.

In the second year, the plant grows a long, thin stem. It is abundantly strewn with branches. The branches have yellow or cream flowers. Cabbage fruits grow in the form of pods, which contain seeds.




The most common type. It is from it that cabbage soup and cabbage rolls are prepared. Heads of cabbage are light emerald in color. This species is grown almost everywhere, except for the Far North. White-headed grows well even in cold summers, small frosts do not harm it. Growing white cabbage for seedlings in a greenhouse will be discussed in the material.

Note! Cabbage is rich in vitamins C, P, A, group B, etc. It helps to heal festering wounds, treats problems with the gastrointestinal tract, relieves depressive conditions. For those wishing to lose weight, cabbage is an irreplaceable product in the diet. Its calorie content is only 27 kcal.

Famous varieties:

  • Amager;
  • Kolobok;
  • The merchant's wife;
  • Mara;
  • Sugar Queen;
  • June, etc.


This species resembles a white cabbage. The difference is in the color of the sheet plates. In the redhead, they are purple. Despite the fact that this species is not so popular, it tastes better than white cabbage because of its tenderness and richness.

Famous varieties:

  • Example F1;
  • Gako 741;
  • Mars, etc.

Red cabbage


The edible part of this vegetable is dense intergrown inflorescences. Depending on the variety, the color can be white-cream, snow-white, lilac, green.

Popular varieties:

  • Snowball;
  • Flora Blanca;
  • Cortez F1;
  • Alpha, etc.


Small heads, similar to inflorescences, are used for food. Their color is dark emerald. This product is non-allergenic. Broccoli puree is used as a complementary food for babies.


Popular varieties:

  • Vitamin;
  • Linda;
  • Arcadia F1;
  • Continental.

In addition to these types, there are Brussels sprouts, collards, Savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, etc.

Sowing seedlings in a greenhouse

What are the greenhouses

Protected ground structures can be divided into two types. The first type is heated, the second is unheated. Most often, the second type of greenhouse is found in vegetable gardens. The first is used in small and large horticultural farms.Any of these types can have a variety of designs. For example, a gable structure, gable, arched, drop-shaped, etc. The material used for construction is polycarbonate. There is an option to cover the greenhouse with a film, but polycarbonate is much more reliable and durable.

Additional Information. You can grow cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse. The greenhouse is small in size. Another plus is that it is easy to build it yourself.

Greenhouse cabbage varieties

There are no special varieties of white cabbage bred for greenhouses. Experienced gardeners recommend sowing varietal seeds, not hybrid ones. At the same time, it is worth buying only high-quality material. If the summer resident plans not only to grow seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse, but to leave the plant to ripen there, then early cabbage is most often bought. If we are talking simply about seedlings, which are then supposed to be planted in open ground, then medium and late varieties are suitable. There are several varieties that, according to the experience of gardeners, are well suited for growing cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, planting and caring for:

  • June;
  • Golden hectare;
  • Present;
  • Ladozhskaya 22;
  • Valentine;
  • Wintering.



Early variety. After the first sprout has appeared, it takes only 90-105 days before harvesting. This variety has deservedly received recognition from gardeners. Excellent taste. Each head weighs between 1 and 2.2 kg. Heads of cabbage are dense. Do not crack. Ideal for preparing salads.

Golden hectare

Early grade. Not for storage. After harvesting, it is processed. Crumbled into salads, used for second and first courses. Heads of cabbage are large. Each one weighs about 2.5 kg. The density is high. The peculiarity of the variety is its resistance to insects and diseases.


Ripening occurs after 120-130 days. The variety belongs to the mid-season. It can be stored for six months in a vegetable pit. Suitable for pickling, pickling, fresh salads. The weight of one head varies from 2.8 to 3.7 kg.

Cabbage Gift

Ladozhskaya 22

Mid-season cabbage. The variety can be either greenhouse or grown from seeds in the open field. A distinctive feature is a strong immunity to diseases, in particular, to the keel. The heads grow up to 2.5-3.3 kg. They keep well for 7-9 months.


It takes patience to grow this variety. Late cabbage. It takes about 170 days from the emergence of shoots to harvest. But Valentina is not afraid of frost. Stored for 8-11 months. Heads of cabbage are eaten all winter, until next summer. The average head weight is about 3.5-4 kg.


Late grade. Resistant to temperature changes, not picky about top dressing. The weight of one head is 3 kg. The variety is stored in the cellar throughout the fall, winter and spring. Does not crack, does not rot. Possesses excellent classic taste.

Cabbage Wintering kachan

Land preparation

Growing cabbage should take place in fertile soil. The culture loves loose, fertile soil, which has a lot of air and enough water. Sandy loam or loam will do. The soil should be prepared for seeds in advance. This is done in the fall.

First, the ground in the greenhouse is well dug up, all weeds and roots are removed. Further, humus or compost (2 buckets per square meter), black soil (1 bucket per square meter), 0.5 buckets of sand per square meter, 35-45 grams of superphosphate and 15-20 grams of potassium chloride are added to the site, respectively. Also add 2-3 cups of fly ash. Ash will protect the planting from pests and act as a fertilizer.

Important! Cabbage doesn't like sour soil. Dolomite flour, chalk, slaked lime are used to deoxidize the soil.

In the spring, an unheated greenhouse or polycarbonate greenhouse is opened. You don't have to dig up the earth. It is enough to loosen it thoroughly.

Sowing time of seedlings

In an ordinary polycarbonate greenhouse or unheated greenhouse, they begin to plant seeds for seedlings, depending on climatic conditions. So, in central Russia, the land thaws in March, April.Therefore, sowing is carried out during this period. In the Urals, the dates are slightly shifted. Residents need to wait out the cold weather. The coldest region of Russia - Siberia, begins planting in May.

Experienced summer residents advise, first of all, to plant the seeds of early cabbage, after a few weeks mid-season and only after that late.

Late cabbage

Planting instructions

  1. Before planting cabbage for seedlings in a greenhouse, you need to purchase quality seeds. At home, seeds are examined. Illiquid ones are removed. Only large and dark ones remain.
  2. Seeds are disinfected in a manganese solution. You can put them in hot water (50-60 degrees) for 20 minutes. Next, the seeds are placed in a growth stimulator. After all the manipulations, they are dried. It is better to plant dry planting material in the greenhouse.
  3. The greenhouse is well spilled with water. Furrows are made. The distance between the furrows, which act as rows, is about 6-10 cm.
  4. If a subsequent picking of seedlings is planned, then the seeds should be sown at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Depth - 1 cm. You can use a glass. Each glass contains one seed. Then, thanks to the glasses, the pick will be easier to pass.
  5. So that the seedlings appear in 4-5 days, the area with the planted seeds is covered with a film. As soon as the plants appear, the film is removed, since too high a temperature will weaken the culture's immunity.
  6. Planting cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse is good because it saves space at home. In addition, cabbage seedlings grown in such conditions are more seasoned and healthier than home-grown ones. Small bushes only need + 8 ... + 11 degrees Celsius to develop normally. The optimum night temperature for the culture is not lower than + 4 ... + 6 degrees.

Greenhouse broccoli seedlings

Seedling care in the greenhouse

Once all the seedlings have sprout, they should be thinned out. This will help the sturdy plants get enough nutrition. Watering is carried out as needed, about once every 2 days. It is important to monitor the soil here. If it is dry, then watering is carried out more often. If it is very wet, then less often. As soon as the bushes have stretched out, and they have 4 strong leaves, additional soil is poured under each seedling. This will help the stem grow evenly.

Cabbage in the greenhouse needs feeding. The first feeding takes place after 3 leaf plates have appeared on the bush. At this time, the culture is watered with a complex mixture, which contains nitrogen, potassium, superphosphate. The second time the procedure is carried out after 3 weeks. You will need a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. At the same time, plants are picking into holes located at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Note! Top dressing of seedlings can only be root. Do not allow liquid to get on the leaves.

The last time feeding is carried out a few days before the transfer of seedlings to a permanent place. The same nutrient mixture is added under the bushes as in the first feeding.

Outdoor transplant

  1. A week before the proposed transplant in open ground, all windows and doors are opened in the greenhouse. This is necessary for the seedlings to get used to the fresh air and harden. At the same time, the last feeding is carried out.
  2. Usually, the transplant is carried out after the seedlings have reached 60-70 days of age.
  3. The seedlings in the greenhouse are watered. At the same time, holes are prepared in the open-air garden. Holes are also spilled.
  4. Each plant is carefully removed from the ground with all the roots and transferred to the holes in the garden. The distance between the cabbage should be 30-40 cm. Between the rows - 50-60 cm.
  5. Plants should not be buried too deep. The earth should hide the roots until the first leaves.
  6. The plants are abundantly sprinkled with fly ash.

Diseases and pests

The disadvantage of growing seedlings in a greenhouse is that young bushes can be invaded by harmful insects. Among the most common:

  • Cruciferous flea. Pest control consists of treating plants with fly ash or tobacco dust.
  • Cabbage fly.Treatment with Karbofos will relieve the cabbage fly.
  • Aphid. Ash, vinegar or soap solutions will help with aphids.


In addition, seedlings can get sick with the following ailments:

  • Black leg. This disease cannot be cured. The diseased seedling is removed. The soil is treated with potassium permanganate.
  • Oversporosis. To destroy the pathogen, use the means Planriz, Tiram.

Pest and disease prevention

As soon as the first tiny leaves grow out of the ground, they are treated with a solution of water and acetic acid. A few spoons of acid are dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water. You should get a weak solution. Such processing will protect the crop from pests. It is allowed to treat the seedlings with an insecticide instead of vinegar. You can take Thiamethoxam or Diazinon.

It is important to observe the crop rotation. Cabbage should not be planted after other cruciferous plants, since they have the same diseases and pests. Before planting, the land can be treated with preparations against pests living in the ground. Available: Thunder, Zemlin.

In order to prevent the invasion of insects, fragrant flowers and herbs (marigolds, calendula) are planted next to the cabbage.

Treatment before planting seeds with Fundazol will help from diseases. Also, before planting, the land is disinfected with a manganese solution.

To grow healthy cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse, both proper planting and proper care are important. In addition, the gardener should be puzzled by the prevention of diseases and pests that can overcome the culture.