Hybrid tea roses have a special beauty and grandeur compared to the rest. Their buds add a special charm to any flower garden. The High Magic hybrid tea rose was bred by Dutch breeders in 2006 and fully lives up to its name - "High Magic". Rose growers consider magical overflows of color on the buds. Hybrid Magic has a gradient from red to yellow. Therefore, this color was named "Dancing Fire".

There is another name for the rose - High Orange Magic. Flowers have dense petals, slightly curving around the edges.

The hybrid is grown all over the world due to its resistance to disease, high and low temperatures. In its homeland, Holland, the cultivar is recognized as a commercial cultivar and is grown for domestic sale as the flowers can remain fresh after being cut after two weeks.

In Russia, there are two pronunciations of this type of rose: High and Hich Mezhdik.

Hybrid tea roses

Description of the variety

Rose High Magic blooms at the end of May, new flowers will delight the rose grower until late autumn. Its high resistance to diseases, such as powdery mildew, helps the variety remain a favorite of gardeners around the world.

The main characteristics of the variety:

  • One flower per stem.
  • The number of bud petals is up to 50.
  • Faint, subtle aroma.
  • Flower diameter: 5-6 cm.
  • The height of the bush is up to 1 meter.
  • The predisposition to black spot is low.
  • The susceptibility to powdery mildew is low.
  • The abundance of flowering is medium.
  • Rain resistance - medium.
  • Frost resistance - above average.

Hybrid Tea Rose High Magic has red and yellow buds, with matte dark green leaves. The petals are very dense and curl slightly around the edges.

Note! Flowering begins at the end of May and lasts until late autumn. The variety is distinguished by abundant, almost uninterrupted flowering.

The height of the bush is average, with even and strong stems, which usually contain one flower. Due to its high resistance to cold weather, Orange Magic is able to grow in northern countries.

The buds of the bush can be woven into small brushes, 3-4 flowers on a branch. The combination of shades of red and yellow creates a dancing fire effect. The scent of the flower is almost subtle or absent altogether. The lack is compensated for by the beauty of the flowers and resistance to climatic conditions.

On a note! Due to its low aroma, the Magic rose can grow in the garden of a person who is allergic to intense odors.

Plant care

Rosa Hitch Magic prefers to grow in an area protected from the wind. It is recommended to plant seedlings in areas with an inclination of no more than 7 degrees. When planted at a high angle, the plant will begin to develop incorrectly, therefore, terracing of the earth should be organized.

Rosa Hitch Magic prefers to grow in an area protected from the wind

Before planting, you should adhere to several recommendations:

  • The soil must be plowed using the plantation method.
  • The depth of the plowed land must not exceed 70 cm.
  • Fertilizers are added to the soil during plowing. This ensures rapid growth of the stems and profuse flowering later.
  • If you plan to plant several bushes, you should leave a distance of 50 cm between them.
  • When planting bushes in several rows, one row should be removed from the previous one by 1 meter.

Note! The soil should not be too wet.

To provide the seedling with a comfortable moisture level, you should:

  • Cover the bottom of the pit with gravel.
  • If the moisture level does not change, prepare drainage channels before planting seedlings.


Rose High Magic grows in warm areas with good sun light. The site should not be blown by cold winds.

The plant prefers moderately moist soil, with an acidity of 5.5-7.3 pH.

The recess for planting is covered with gravel or sand. A drainage system is created to eliminate stagnation. Rose potting mix includes:

  • 2 pieces of sand;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 3 parts of manure.

On a note! It is recommended to plant roses in early May, as the soil is warmed up enough during this period.

Before boarding:

  • The seedlings should be left in water for 4-5 hours. This is especially required in cases where the root system is open.
  • If there are damaged shoots, they must be removed.
  • It is recommended to cut off the weak shoots, leaving only the strongest ones. So the growth of the bush will be faster.

Rose care

The most favorable period for planting seedlings is mid to late September. Do not plant roses earlier or later than the specified period.

In early October, grafted plants should be planted. After 10 days, the plant gives roots, the rose has time to get stronger and adapt to a cold snap.

Experienced rose growers advise not to allow abundant flowering of annual bushes, it is recommended to cut off the growing buds. In the following periods of flowering, the bush will receive a picturesque shape and abundant flowering.

Planting a rose

You need to feed the plant regularly, adhering to the following rules:

  • After the start of germination of the shoots, fertilizers with microelements should be used.
  • For the rapid growth of shoots after cold weather, it is necessary to apply fertilizer with the addition of nitrogen.
  • When buds appear, you need to switch to fertilizing based on manure or bird droppings.
  • In the autumn period of preparation for frost, the plant is fed with a fertilizer containing potassium.


When watering, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • You need to water the plant under the bush.
  • Early morning and late evening are good watering times.
  • The intensity of watering should be adjusted based on climatic and weather conditions.

Note! When watering, avoid getting water on the leaves. Moisture on the sheets can trigger fungal diseases in roses.

Mulching the soil should be done carefully, without touching the roots.

Mulching can reduce:

  • Evaporation of moisture from the soil.
  • The amount of weeds.


Note! Full pruning of shoots is carried out in the second year of plant life.

  • Pruning should be done in summer.
  • Blind stems are trimmed above the leaves.
  • Pruning of roses is carried out in the summer, while the blind shoots are cut above the leaves.

It is advisable to cover roses for the winter. To do this, it is usually enough to cover the bush with peat, 20 cm high, in the spring the ground is leveled.

Preparing for the cold

To prepare your plant for winter, you need to follow these guidelines:

How to prepare roses for cold weather

  • Before the beginning of the winter period, the bushes spud up to a height of 45 cm.
  • The leaves of the base of the bush are pre-plucked.
  • At the beginning of September, the tip of the shoots is pinched.
  • Immature and immature shoots are cut out and bent to the soil before frost.
  • After the onset of frost, the plant is covered with a frame insulated with spruce branches.

On a note! It is not necessary to loosen the soil before cooling.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Medzhik variety has magical tints of color on the petals, shaded by dark green leaves. The main advantages of the variety are:

  • Few or no spines.
  • High resistance to frost.
  • Drought tolerant.
  • High disease tolerance.
  • Duration of freshness after cutting.
  • Density of the petal.

High Orange has only one drawback - low aroma intensity. But this disadvantage can be interpreted as an advantage for allergy sufferers.

Rose High Orange Magic one of the favorites of rose growers due to its "dance of fire" effect on the petals. The variety is perfect for cutting and selling. A bouquet of magic roses will conquer and delight the heart of the recipient for several weeks.