The rose is a beautiful plant, but it is quite capricious and whimsical to care for. The petals of the plant have a lot of healing properties and are widely used both in cosmetology and in medicine. They can be used to prepare various skin care products and delicious meals. You should know how to keep rose petals at home and what remedies can be prepared from them.

Features of rose care

The basic principles of plant care are timely pruning, proper watering and fertilization of the soil. Pruning is considered an important step in caring for roses, since it is from it that the abundance of flowering will subsequently depend. The plant should be cut annually in the spring, about 2 weeks after the insulation was removed. During this period of time, the new leaves of the rose have not yet blossomed, but the buds have already swollen. When pruning, all old, weak and dry shoots are removed from the plant.

Rose is considered a moisture-loving crop, but watering depends on the flowering phase. The most abundant watering is required during the growing season, since the plant needs a lot of nutrients. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil well, which will allow the culture to breathe.

Rose petals

In the autumn, the plant's need for moisture decreases, and in rainy weather in September, watering is completely stopped. An important step is pre-winter watering, when the plant must be watered abundantly before the onset of cold weather, at the rate of 30 liters per bush.

The best fertilizer for the culture is horse manure, which is at least six months old.

Important! Pig manure and poultry droppings can harm the plant as they are too acidic and can burn young shoots. Fresh manure negatively affects the soil and blocks nitrogen.

Gardeners should know how many times a crop should be fed. The first feeding is necessary in the spring with the swelling and growth of new buds of the rose. Fertilizers should be applied to the ditch at a distance of 20-25 cm from the bush. The second feeding is necessary in the first phase of bud formation, and the third after the first flowering. In mid-September, the last dressing is applied and it is best to use potassium magnesium for this purpose.

The main method of propagation of roses is considered to be cuttings, the best time for this procedure is June - July. In the first 15-20 days, it is recommended to keep the cuttings in a greenhouse until they take root. Many gardeners prefer to propagate roses by grafting rather than propagating them by grafting.

The optimal time for sheltering a plant for the winter is the end of October - early November.

Note! You do not need to hide all roses from frost, since ancient garden varieties do not need insulation even in the most severe winters.

The use of rose petals for culinary and cosmetic purposes

Rose petals have many healing properties, so they are often used for cosmetic purposes. They have a tonic and refreshing effect on the skin of the face, and are also widely used in the production of perfumery products.

At home, you can prepare the following rose petal-based products:

  • Pink tonic. Mix a handful of rose petals and the same amount of lavender flowers. Pour the mixture with 0.5 l of pure water and add 70 ml of vodka. Place the product in a dark place for 10 days, remembering to shake it every day.After a while, the tonic needs to be filtered and added to a handful of flowers, and after 10 days, repeat the manipulation. After 4 weeks, the toner will be ready to use and will help maintain the attractiveness of the skin.
  • Pink water. This rose-based remedy can be used to cleanse inflamed skin. To prepare rose water, you need to rinse 50 grams of rose petals, let the water drain and put them on the bottom of the glassware. Pour the petals with a liter of boiled water at room temperature, and then add 250 ml of vodka. This mixture should be infused for at least 2 hours in a dark place. Strain the product and drain the water into a glass bottle. It is recommended to wipe both problem and dry skin with rose water, remembering to store the product in the refrigerator.

With angina and stomatitis, it is recommended to gargle the throat and mouth with an infusion made from rose petals. It is necessary to pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of raw materials and leave for 1-2 hours. The resulting mixture should be used several times a day until the unpleasant symptoms are completely eliminated.

Additional Information! The same remedy is effective in the treatment of conjunctivitis. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in liquid and apply on inflamed eyelids for 20 minutes. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Rose petals are used in cooking to make syrups, drinks and vinegar, but the most popular product is jam. It helps slow down the aging process of the skin, removes wrinkles, boosts immunity, and helps to cope with cold symptoms.

To prepare a treat, rinse 500 grams of fresh petals and put them in a colander. After the liquid drains, put them on the bottom of the pan and cover with 100-150 grams of sugar. Put citric acid on top of the mixture and leave the roses until the juice is released.

To prepare the syrup, pour water into a saucepan and add the remaining sugar. The mixture should be brought to a boil and cooked over low heat. After preparing the syrup, add the petals and cook until the syrup becomes thick. Cooked jam should be cooled and poured into glass jars.

The use of rose petals for cosmetic purposes

How to keep rose petals fresh

There are several ways to keep rose petals fresh at home:

  • In cold water. Pour water into any wide container and put rose petals there. Place the container in a cold place, for example, on a balcony, basement or refrigerator.
  • In a cardboard box. Any box with holes drilled in the sides will do for this. It is necessary to put rose petals in it in an even layer, close and store in the refrigerator.
  • In plastic or glass containers. You can put cheesecloth or a paper towel, previously soaked in water, on the bottom of the selected container. Pour the petals on top, close the container with a lid or film and refrigerate.
  • With salt. To preserve rose petals as a natural fragrance for a long time, you can use salt. It is necessary to pour salt on the bottom of the glass container, put rose petals on top and again a layer of salt. Thus, you need to stack rose petals until the entire jar is filled. Cover the dishes with a lid on top and leave for 4 days.

Another new way to keep rose petals fresh at home is wax, which should be melted in a water bath. It is necessary to dip a petal in the mixture; it is recommended to perform the procedure with tweezers. This manipulation must be done with all the petals, and then lay them on a flat surface and cover with plastic or cling film. After the wax is dry, the petals can be used for the desired purpose.

Rose petals in a jar

Winter storage of grown cuttings of roses

When purchasing planting material in the fall, in the winter months or in early spring, it is necessary to try to somehow preserve the grown cuttings of roses in the winter before the onset of heat. The main goal is not to freeze the culture and to make sure that the kidneys do not wake up prematurely. To do this, the seedlings must be placed in a dark and cold place and this can be done in several ways:

  1. In fridge. This method of preserving the plant until spring is considered the simplest and most convenient, because there is a refrigerator in every home. It is necessary to wrap the root system of the seedlings with a wet paper towel. After that, the rose must be put in a plastic bag, tied and stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.
  2. In a box on the balcony. Take a cardboard box, pour a little substrate into it and put the seedlings on the bottom. Sprinkle prepared roses with a spray bottle with cold water and lightly sprinkle with earth. With this method of storage, the rose can be stored until spring and safely tolerate temperatures from -5 to +5 degrees.
  3. In the basement or cellar. Within 2 months, cuttings of a rose can be successfully preserved in a basement or cellar with an air temperature of up to 3 degrees. It is necessary to arrange the seedlings in an upright position, put in a bucket or container. To deepen the root collar, sprinkle the cuttings with wet river sand or sawdust. In the basement, it is recommended to keep cuttings of roses away from vegetables and other plants that can serve as a source of various diseases.

In the absence of a cellar or refrigerator in the house, cuttings of roses can be left to winter in the area under the snow. To do this, it is necessary to put the seedlings in a cardboard box and carefully sprinkle with peat. It is necessary to determine the most shaded area near the house, where the snow does not melt for a long time and moisture does not stagnate in the spring. The box with the seedlings must be placed in the chosen place, covered with a non-woven fabric on top and covered with snow until a snowdrift forms. Pine or spruce branches can be placed on top, which will slow down the melting of snow. With this method of storage, the temperature inside the box will be maintained at about 0 degrees, even if there is a severe frost outside.

There are many options for keeping rose petals and cuttings fresh, each with its own pros and cons. The main condition is to create the conditions necessary for the plant and follow all the recommendations, which will allow it to survive the winter months favorably.